Staying on top of everything while you’re in college can sometimes sound easier than it is, but with these six easy tips you can face each day with the best tools to make your educational experience as smooth and productive as possible.


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Pre-Plan your day

​Outlining your day before you decide to get started makes accomplishing your goals much less nerve-racking. By being able to visualize each item on your to-do list, you can not only become more organized but also less stressed. Preparation can go a long way in helping you achieve your goals and it will also help keep your productivity levels high.


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Determine the best atmosphere

​The correct workspace can have a significant impact on your productivity, as it affects your studying routine. Figuring out if you concentrate better in a busy atmosphere compared to a quieter one will help you in deciding where to set up your study area. Places like libraries, coffee shops, parks, and cafes are all places you can choose from, plus many more. Ensuring that the area of your choice is tidy and organized will also help minimize the distractions. Finally, it is a good idea to mix up your workspace now and then to get a fresh environmental feel.


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​Follow level of importance

It’s usually best to start off with the assignment that has the highest level of importance. This way it will feel much more relieving to get only a few tasks done if they are the top items. Keeping an eye on the due dates, and prioritizing each piece based on its date will allow you to stay very productive. Having a planner to arrange all of your assignments is among one of the most efficient ways to complete this.


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​Time management

​The Pomodoro method is a technique that helps people break big tasks into smaller timed intervals, called Pomodoro’s. If you are like me and get quickly distracted then applying this time management strategy will be incredibly helpful! These intervals are typically composed of four 25-minute Pomodoro’s with 5-minute breaks after each, and then a 20-minute rest following the fourth Pomodoro. There are apps for iPhone and Android users that allow you to conveniently put into action this fantastic technique where ever you go.


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Care for Yourself

Self-care is a necessary piece to staying happy and healthy! Keeping up with your personal needs, through methods of exercising, meditating, or whatnot; will allow you to concentrate on and achieve your goals with ease. Taking time for yourself to relax and unwind each night is one of many ways students are applying the self care method.


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​Get enough sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is undoubtedly one of the most essential tips in becoming a more productive student! Regularly staying up all night long is not a good habit to have and it only increases your irritability and stress. Having a solid seven hours of sleep or more each night allows students like you to not only be more concentrated but also work much more efficiently.

Taking the next step

Taking the effort to ensure your productivity in college is a major key to personal success and achievements. You are on your way to a life of thoughtful education, and as a prior student myself, i’m very glad I could help you. To learn more about top schools designed for you, get matched today, and find the education you deserve.